Part 4 - 14:1-23 Sanctification by Faith
This fall we’re talking about SANCTIFICATION = how God works to change you, a sinner, and make you more holy in your heart and in your actions.
Remember we’ve said that sanctification means we do change as Christians - if we believe in Jesus we can’t just decide to live however we want. But it’s not the Law of God that has the power to change us. It’s the Holy Spirit who graciously comes to work inside of us to change us = it’s the Holy Spirit's power that changes and sanctifies us.
Do you think that means we just do nothing for our sanctification?
No! For our sanctification we have to keep trusting in Jesus. Because we are also sanctified by our faith.
What is faith?
To trust in Jesus alone for your salvation.
Today we look at the faith of Jonathan in the Old Testament. Jonathan is the son of Israel’s first king, Saul. Saul started out good but very quickly ended up becoming a wicked king who didn’t serve God or his people. His son, Jonathan, was the opposite - he was a man of incredible faith in God.
In this passage Israel is at war with the Philistines. The problem is Israel doesn’t have a real army, just a bunch of farmers with pitchforks. And the Philistines have a mighty professional army with all the best weapons.
Let’s read about Jonathan’s faith in 1 Samuel 14.
When Jonathan tells his armorbearer the crazy plan for the two of them to go attack the Philistine army by themselves - Jonathan’s plan is really not about them and what they can do. Jonathan is not looking at himself and his own strength.
Who is Jonathan looking at?
Jonathan is looking at God with the eyes of faith: Nothing can hinder the LORD from saving by many or few.
And the plan to attack is not about saving themselves. Jonathan is concerned more for his family, friends, and God’s people. He is concerned about the salvation of his men and believes that the LORD will do it.
Is Jonathan the only one with faith in the story?
No. Look at his armor-bearer! Jonathan: “Come, let us go over…It may be that the LORD will work for us, for nothing can hinder the LORD from saving by many or by few.” Armor-bearer: “Do all that is in your heart…I am with you!” We need to have faith AND you want someone standing with you in this life that shares that kind of faith.
[App - Encourage] Who should we be encouraging in the faith? What might that look like?
This is what we do here! You got to encourage those who are not doing well AND we also need to encourage those who are doing well = Jonathan’s faith is strong and he needs encouragement!
It looks like just showing up to church! Because when you’re here it means the person next to you is not alone.
It looks like reminding each other that Jesus loves us and has not abandoned us.
It looks like celebrating with each other when things are good and being sad with each other when things are bad AND always holding out the hope of heaven to each other.
[Battle Results] How does Jonathan end up winning the war and beating the Philistines? Who really wins this war?
Jonathan and the armor bearer go up and the 2 overcome 20 professional Philistine soldiers. That’s the fuse that blew this thing up… This sends the rest of the army into a panic. And then fuel on the fire is God sending a well-timed earthquake.
1 Sam 14:19-20: “19 the tumult in the camp of the Philistines increased more and more… 20 And behold, every Philistine’s sword was against his fellow, and there was very great confusion.”
Why is it hard to trust in God all the time?
[Illustration Trust Falls] Think about trust falls. Who likes trust falls? Who doesn’t? Would you trust a stranger to catch you? What about a friend? What a sibling? Could you be trusted to always catch someone? Would you ever be tempted to let someone fall?
There’s something deep down in us that KNOWS people shouldn’t trust US!! Which is part of why we don’t trust others. And part of why it’s hard for us to trust GOD.
How do you know you can trust God? What war has God won for us?
In his life and death Jesus has won the war against the devil, our sin, and our death. Because of Jesus’ life and death for you - you will live forever no matter what happens to you.
And you can trust him with this salvation because you didn’t do anything to get it. You didn’t deserve it. It’s all free, it’s all grace. You just have to trust him. And you trusting him in this life, day to day, in the good times and the bad - that trusting in God really does change you! That is sanctification by faith.
Sanctification by faith - what we don’t hear a whole lot is that you are also sanctified by faith. You begin the Christian life by faith AND you have to continue the Christian life by faith.
What is something we just learned that we can: 1) praise God for and 2) ask God for?
Sally Michael, More Than A Story, Chapter 48, Jonathan Shows Confidence in God, 1 Samuel 14 227-229.