Kids Sunday School Part 1 - Job 1 Our Problem with the Devil

This fall we’re talking about this thing, JUSTIFICATION = how you, a sinner, can stand before God and God say to you, “You are righteous. You are perfect. And you deserve to live forever in heaven with me.”


Part 1 - Job 1 Our Problem with the Devil[1]


Would you like to meet God? If you had the chance to meet God today would you? Would you be scared or nervous to meet him?


Would it be a good thing for a sinner, like us, to meet God who is holy, holy, holy and who can’t be around sin?


This fall we’re talking about this thing, JUSTIFICATION = how you, a sinner, can stand before God and God say to you, “You are righteous. You are perfect. And you deserve to live forever in heaven with me.” That has to happen for you to get into heaven, but how is that possible, we’re sinners?!? One of the problems we have with our sin and getting to heaven is the devil.


Let’s read the story of Job in Job 1.


Why does the devil hate Job?

Because God says Job belongs to God but the devil says Job, and every sinner, belongs to the devil.


Who’s right? The devil tempts us to sin then he tells God, ”Look they’re sinners, they deserve judgment.” Is the devil right? What does every sin deserve?

The wrath and curse of God. Even one sin deserves God’s judgment and condemnation.


So God must do something about our sin if we’re going to live and not die forever. So God has promised to save us from our sin and from the devil and from death. But the devil doesn’t believe that’s possible.


Satan challenges God that since the Fall, since Adam and Eve sinned, all mankind belongs to the devil. God challenges Satan’s challenge, “Have you seen my servant Job? He loves me. He worships me. He believes I love him. Because I have saved him and he does belong to me.”


But Satan argues back that Job doesn’t really love God. Satan says Job only worships God because his life is easy, because God has made him rich and famous. Satan says Job only worships God because God gives him stuff; take all that good stuff away and Job will stop worshiping God and will stop believing in God.  


Challenge accepted. And who wins? Job! Job goes through horrible suffering but he still believes God loves him and will save him even if he dies. How does Job win?


Because God beats the devil for Job and us. God sends his son, Jesus Christ, who comes and battles the devil. The devil tried to tempt Jesus and said the same things to him, “Jesus, your Father in heaven doesn’t love you. He’s a liar. You don’t have to die on a cross. Just listen to me and follow me and I’ll make your life easy and good.” But Jesus resisted all the devil’s temptations to sin. AND THEN Jesus went to the cross to take the punishment for Job’s sin, and Adam and Eve’s sin, and your sin! Jesus died for you so you won’t die.


Sois the devil real?

Yes, but he’s not the opposite of God; he’s not the opposite of Jesus. He’s just an angel and Jesus has already beaten him but he doesn’t want you to believe that. But Job shows us the truthfulness of the gospel; that no matter what happens to us in this life God does love us and he has saved us in Jesus.


What is something we just learned that we can praise God for?

What is something we just learned that we can ask God for?

[1] Kevin DeYoung, The Biggest Story Bible Storybook, Chapter 37, A Hard Life and a Good God, Job 1 198-201.

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